Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Top 5 Differences Between Mild Steel and HYSD Steel | MS Life


There are various categories of steel one can come across in the market and choosing the proper steel variant is the key to carefully managing the necessary quality and cost of a specific construction project. Steel is necessary for building high scale construction projects or the creation of car parts, but because the requirements for each are varied, so are the kinds of steel that must be used. The final result of the project will depend on the different variants of steel employed. The major distinguishing factors between mild steel and high-strength steel should be made clear at the outset. High-strength steel has higher yield strength, better flexibility, and stability, and is more expensive, whereas mild steel has lower elasticity and is somewhat more affordable. 

This article sheds light on the major differences between mild steel and HYSD steel to clear the confusion about their durability and performance. 

5 five major differences between mild steel and HYSD steel are listed down

Specifications and Properties

Mild steel is preferred for building projects because of its great weldability. The addition of alloys containing manganese, silicon, and phosphorus, on the other hand, gives HYSD steel enhanced tensile strength and excellent anti-corrosion qualities.


The tensile strength needed for both mild and HYSD steel's respective uses is present in both types. Mild steel has a tensile strength between 600 and 600 N/mm2. The enhanced tensile strength of HYSD steel is roughly 2000 N/mm2.


Mild steel has several special qualities that make it ideal for use in the production of steel frame buildings, engineering products, kitchenware, cables, railings, and other structural components. However, due to its great tensile strength, HYSD steel is mostly used for reinforcing, large-scale construction, and vehicle parts, and has specific other uses. 

Flexibility and Bendability 

HYSD steel is less bendable than mild steel. Both of these steels have various carbon structure types. Due to its great degree of elasticity, mild steel may be formed easily. HYSD steel, in comparison, is less flexible but has higher strength.


Compared to HYSD steel, mild steel is more affordable. Because of its greater tensile strength, HYSD steel is costlier than mild steel. 

If you want to start the construction of your dream structure then opt for high-quality MS Life 600+ TMT bars that can provide both strength and stability. 

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