Friday, June 30, 2023

Is TMT and HYSD same? | MS Life


No, TMT (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) and HYSD (High Yield Strength Deformed) are not the same, although they are both types of steel reinforcement bars commonly used in construction.

TMT Bars: TMT bars are steel reinforcement bars that undergo a specific thermo-mechanical treatment process to enhance their strength and ductility. The TMT process involves subjecting the bars to controlled heating and rapid cooling, which results in the formation of a tough outer surface with a tempered martensite structure and a softer, more ductile inner core. This combination of properties makes TMT bars resistant to bending, cracking, and fatigue, while also providing excellent bonding with concrete. TMT bars are known for their high strength, superior elongation, and good corrosion resistance.

HYSD Bars: HYSD bars, on the other hand, are a type of steel reinforcement bar that stands for High Yield Strength Deformed bars. These bars are manufactured by hot rolling process using billets of carbon steel. The bars are deformed with ribs or lugs on their surface to enhance the bonding with concrete. HYSD bars have higher yield strength than ordinary mild steel bars, which means they can withstand greater stress or load without permanent deformation. These bars are commonly used in reinforced concrete structures to provide tensile strength and reinforcement to the concrete.

In summary, TMT bars undergo a specific thermo-mechanical treatment process to improve their strength and ductility, while HYSD bars are characterized by their higher yield strength compared to ordinary mild steel bars. Both types of bars serve the purpose of reinforcing concrete structures, but they have different manufacturing processes and properties. Choose MS Life for your dream construction.

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